
CGSHE Welcomes Parliamentary Secretary Mitzi Dean to New CGSHE Community Research Space

August 26, 2019   |   Blog

On August 23rd, CGSHE warmly welcomed Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity Mitzi Dean to our new community research space. Ms. Dean visited CGSHE staff and faculty to learn how our research positively impacts gender and sexual health policy and practice.

Ms. Dean is also the MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin. She has spent 30 years helping the most vulnerable people in our community. As executive director of the Pacific Centre Family Services Association, Mitzi oversaw a team that annually helped 1,600 people impacted by trauma, violence, and mental health challenges.

During Ms. Dean’s visit, Executive Director Dr. Kate Shannon and Drs. Andrea Krusi and Mei-ling Wiedmeyer shared highlights of our acheivements and goals. CGSHE staff and grad students had the opportunity to share how our work relates to provincial priorities. We look forward to furthering this relationship and working toward shared goals with Ms. Dean.