Why more involuntary care in B.C. is not the answer

If sex workers are as ‘vulnerable’ as the law suggests, where’s their pandemic support?

A year ago, governments across Canada declared a state of emergency and encouraged people to shelter in place. Many workers, supported by the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), ceased work to abide by public health guidelines for physical distancing. Sex workers, as workers, were expected to follow suit. Instead, what happened was just an extension of sex workers’ normal: exclusion from labour rights and protections.

A Personal Letter from Erika Muse

My name is Erika Muse, and I spoke at the press conference introducing the Canadian federal government’s Bill C-8 to ban conversion therapy on March 9th, 2020. I got up, and I broke down in tears, and I said that I could not support that bill, as a survivor of conversion therapy, and as an activist who has fought to make sure conversion therapy is banned in Canada. I want to tell you why I said what I said, why I still cannot support this bill, and why I am pushing for desperately needed changes to be made to that legislation to ensure it protects trans people. Ever since I stood up and said that the bill wasn’t good enough, my concerns with this legislation have gone unreported, and have largely been ignored. Many people may not have seen or…

To end conversion therapy, we must understand what it actually means: Dr. Travis Salway

This op-ed by Dr. Travis Salway first appeared in the The Globe & Mail on May 26, 2020. On Monday, Calgary City Council voted, nearly unanimously, to pass a municipal ban of advertising around conversion therapy, which the city defined as “practice, treatment, or service designed to change, repress, or discourage a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, or to repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour.” In doing so, Calgary joined cities such as Vancouver, Edmonton and Fort McMurray, along with provinces including Ontario and Nova Scotia, in passing legislation banning conversion therapies. The discourse at the publicly-broadcast citizen debate before the council vote was polarizing, however, with hundreds of speakers passionately arguing on either side of the issue over two days. Those opposed to the ban argued that they do not want to see their fellow…