CGSHE, CBRC & Enchanté Network call on federal government to include trans people in Bill C-6
About Erika’s Letter
“My horrible, traumatic, conversion therapy occurred in a licensed therapist’s office, at a public mental health hospital, funded by the public health system in Ontario. Conversion therapy has, is and will continue to occur in medical practices in this country unless this bill is amended to comprehensively ban all forms of conversion therapy. My rights to life, liberty and the security of the person as laid out by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are not limited by the beliefs, speech, or religion of any pastor or psychologist. Bill C-6, if amended, can ensure this protection for myself and others like me.”
– Erika Muse, trans woman activist & survivor of conversion therapy
Read Erika’s full personal letter.
Read Our Letter
Minister Lametti & Minister Chagger, Ministries of Justice and Diversity, Inclusion, and Youth
Dear Ministers Lametti and Chagger:
Bill C-6, “An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy)”, offers an important opportunity to reflect on conversion therapy1 practices that continue to adversely affect transgender, non-binary, Two-Spirit, queer, bisexual, lesbian, gay, and other gender and sexual diverse Canadians. We are heartened that the federal government is committed to addressing these traumatic practices; however, we are obliged to express our concerns about ways in which Bill C-6 fails to adequately define and prevent all forms of conversion therapy. We are particularly concerned about the inequitable impact the current version of the bill will have on trans2, non-binary, and gender-diverse Canadians.
In its current form, Bill C-6 narrowly defines conversion therapy, excluding practitioners who insist that they are not intending to “change a person’s… gender identity” but whose goal is nevertheless to discourage or delay the adoption of gender identities not assigned at birth, as well as non-conforming gender expressions. We specifically call for amendments (Appendix) to sections 320.101 (“definition of conversion therapy”), 320.101 (a) and (b) (“exclusions”), and 320.102 (2) (“forced conversion therapy”), in order to: include conversion therapy targeting gender expression; more clearly define conversion therapy as including practices that regard a gender identity not assigned at birth as disordered or less desirable; and assert that consent is not valid, if risks associated with conversion therapy are not clearly explained to the patient.
We urgently request that your Ministries reevaluate this bill and communicate how the federal government will address conversion therapy practices that trans Canadians experience. In addition, we ask the government to communicate other proactive strategies that will be used—beyond legislative changes to the Criminal Code—to ensure equitable access to trans-affirming information and supports for trans people of all ages (including youth), as well as their families, communities, and service and support workers, across the country.
Erika Muse, trans woman activist & survivor of conversion therapy
- Florence Ashley, Jurist and Bioethicist & PhD Student, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
- Dr. Travis Salway, Research Scientist, Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE) & Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University
- Aaron Purdie, Associate Director, Program and Interventions, Health Initiative for Men (HIM) & Therapist, Eagle Wellness
- A.J. Lowik, PhD Candidate GRSJ UBC, Gender Equity Advisor, Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity
Ashleigh Rich, PhD candidate, School of Population & Public Health, University of British Columbia
- Fae Johnstone, Principal Consultant, Wisdom2Action & 2SLGBTQ+ Community Organizer and Writer
- Dr. Hannah Kia, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, The University of British Columbia
- Dr. Jill Chettiar, Associate Director, Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE) & PI of the BC Trans Health Project
- Dr. Kinnon Ross MacKinnon, Postdoctoral Researcher, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
- Nicholas Schiavo, Executive Director, No Conversion Canada
Nikki Zawadzki, Coordinator, Prism Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
- Dr. Olivier Ferlatte, École de Santé Publique de l’université de Montréal et Centre de Recherche en Santé Publique
- Rayka Kumru, Communications and Knowledge Translation Manager, Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE) & Sexologist
- Trevor Goodyear, Registered Nurse and Graduate Student, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia
- En français
Ministre Lametti et à la Ministre Chagger, Ministères de la justice et de l’Inclusion est de la Jeunesse.
Chers ministres Lametti et Chagger:
Le projet de loi C-6, « Loi modifiant le Code criminel (thérapie de conversion)», offre une occasion importante de réflexion sur les pratiques de thérapie de conversion qui continuent d’avoir des effets néfastes pour les personnes transgenres, non binaires, 2Esprits, queer, bisexuels, lesbiennes, gais et autres Canadiens de la diversité sexuelle ou de genre. Nous sommes encouragés de constater que le gouvernement fédéral est résolu à lutter contre ces pratiques traumatisantes; cependant, nous sommes obligés d’exprimer nos préoccupations quant aux manières dont le projet de loi C-6 ne parvient pas à définir et à empêcher adéquatement toutes les formes de thérapie de conversion. Nous sommes particulièrement préoccupés par l’impact inéquitable que la version actuelle du projet de loi aura sur les Canadiens trans, non binaires et de la diversité de genre.
Dans sa forme actuelle, le projet de loi C-6 définit étroitement la thérapie de conversion, à l’exclusion des praticiens qui insistent sur le fait qu’ils n’ont pas l’intention de « changer l’identité de genre d’une personne» mais dont l’objectif est néanmoins de décourager ou de retarder l’adoption des identités de genre non attribuées à la naissance, ainsi que des expressions de genre non conformes. Nous demandons spécifiquement des modifications (annexe) aux articles 320.101 (« définition de la thérapie de conversion»), 320.101 (a) et (b) (« exclusions») et 320.102 (2) (« thérapie de conversion forcée»), et cela dans le but : d’inclure la thérapie de conversion ciblant l’expression de genre ; de définir plus clairement la thérapie de conversion comme incluant les pratiques qui considèrent une identité de genre non attribuée à la naissance comme déséquilibré ou moins souhaitable ; et affirmer que le consentement n’est pas valide si les risques associés à la thérapie de conversion ne sont pas clairement expliqués au patient.
Nous demandons à vos ministères de réévaluer ce projet de loi sans délai et de communiquer comment le gouvernement fédéral abordera les pratiques de thérapie de conversion que vivent les Canadiens trans. De plus, nous demandons au gouvernement de communiquer d’autres stratégies proactives qui seront utilisées – au-delà des modifications législatives au Code criminel – pour assurer un accès équitable à l’information et aux soutiens trans-affirmatifs pour les personnes trans de tous âges (y compris les jeunes), ainsi que leurs familles, leurs collectivités et les travailleurs des services et du soutien partout au pays.
- Signatories
- Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, Ontario
- Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC, British Columbia
- AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia
- Anova: A Future Without Violence, Ontario
- Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS), Ontario
- British Columbia Centre on Substance Use, British Columbia
- British Columbia Humanist Association, British Columbia
- BCCDC Foundation for Population and Public Health, British Columbia
- Calgary Pride, Alberta
- Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Ontario
- Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Capital Pride, Ontario
- Centre communautaire LGBTQ+ de Montréal, Québec
- Centretown Community Health Centre, Ontario
- Child Welfare League of Canada, Ontario
- Community-Based Research Centre, British Columbia
- DisAbled Women’s Network Canada (DAWN) / Réseau d’action des femmes handicapées Canada (RAFH), QuebecBritish Columbia Centre on Substance Use, British Columbia
- Dissociative Society of Canada, Ontario
- Family Services Ottawa, Ontario
- Fierté Canada Pride, Alberta
- Fierte Simcoe Pride, Ontario
- FrancoQueer, Ontario
- Gender and Sexual Diversity Working Group, University of Waterloo, Ontario
- Halifax Pride Society, Nova Scotia
- House of PainT Festival of Urban Arts and Culture, Ontario
- JusticeTrans, Ontario
- Karas Legal Services Professional Corporation, Ontario
- Kind Space, Ontario
- Lethbridge Public Interest Research Group, Alberta
- LGBT YouthLine, Ontario
- McMaster Students Union, Ontario
- Moms Stop The Harm, British Columbia
- Moose Jaw Pride & the Saskatchewan Pride Network, Saskatchewan
- MSU Pride Community Centre (PCC), Ontario
- MSU Student Health Education Centre (SHEC), Ontario
- MSU Women and Gender Equity Network (WGEN), Ontario
- Nanaimo Pride Society, British Columbia
- National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), Ontario
- Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project, Nova Scotia
- Ontario Tech Pride Club, Ontario
- Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW), Ontario
- Ottawa Dyke March, Ontario
- OUTSaskatoon, Saskatchewan
- PEERS Alliance, Prince Edward Island
- Pflag Surrey BC, British Columbia
- Planned Parenthood Newfoundland and Labrador Sexual Health Centre, Newfoundland
- Planned Parenthood NL Sexual Health Centre, Newfoundland and Labrador
- Planned Parenthood Ottawa, Ontario
- Planned Parenthood Toronto, Ontario
- Pride PEI Inc., Prince Edward Island
- QTPOC KW, Ontario
- Qu’ART – Ottawa Queer Arts Collective, Ontario
- Regina District Labour Council, Saskatchewan
- RWDSU, Saskatchewan
- Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, Saskatchewan
- Saskatoon Sexual Health, Saskatchewan
- Sexual Health Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia
- Sexual Health, Options, Resources and Education (SHORE) Centre, Ontario
- Support and Education for Trans Youth Ottawa (SAEFTY), Ontario
- Ten Oaks Project, Ontario
- The International Youth Alliance for Family Planning Canada Chapter, Ontario
- The Public Service Alliance of Canada
- Thunder Bay and District Labour Council, Ontario
- Trans socialCollective, Ontario
- Transgender Media Portal, Ontario
- Transgender Professional Association for Transgender Health, Ontario
- TransSask Support Services, Saskatchewan
- Tri-Cities Pride Society, British Columbia
- Unitarian Church of Vancouver, British Columbia
- University of Saskatchewa, Saskatchewan
- UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity, Saskatchewan
- University of Regina Faculty Association (URFA)
- West Coast LEAF Association, British Columbia
- Wisdom2Action, Nova Scotia
- Women’s March Ottawa, Ontario
- Yarmouth Pride Collective, Nova Scotia
- YouthCO HIV & Hep C Society, British Columbia
- YWCA Canada
Independent Signatories
- A.W. Peet, Ontario
- Aaron De Sousa, Ontario
- Adam Guindon, Ontario
- Adam Highway, British Columbia
- Aidan, British Columbia
- Aisling Nolan, Ontario
- Alberta R Williams, Alberta
- Alex Biancaniello, Ontario
- Alexa Ruttle, Ontario
- Alexa Timtschenko, Ontario
- Alexandra Allan, Ontario
- Alexandra Rochon, Quebec
- Alexis Hunt, Ontario
- Alexis Thickett, British Columbia
- Alice Cecile, Ontario
- Alka Murphy, British Columbia
- Allan Fisher, Ontario
- Allegra Morgado, Ontario
- Allison Jonassen, Quebec
- Allison Shatford, Quebec
- Alphonse Bennett, Ontario
- Aly Singh, Ontario
- Alyson Olsheski, Ontario
- Alyssin Williams, Alberta
- Amali Kannangara, Ontario
- Amanda Milette, Ontario
- Amani Tarud, Ontario
- Amelia Lockert, Prince Edward Island
- Amielle, Saskatchewan
- Ana Carolina de Barros, Saskatchewan
- Ana Santo, Ontario
- Andrea MacPherson, Prince Edward Island
- Andreas Pilarinos, British Columbia
- Andrew Wiebe, Manitoba
- Andy MacDonald, Saskatchewan
- Angela Stewart, British Columbia
- Angelique Dack, Ontario
- Angelique Dack, Ontario
- Anna Murphy, Alberta
- Anne Miller, Ontario
- Anstice Blom, Ontario
- Arielle Clemens, British Columbia
- Ashley Cyr, Ontario
- Ashley Grenstone, Ontario
- Ashley Taylor, British Columbia
- Ashra Kolhatkar, British Columbia
- Attou Mamat, Quebec
- Austin Larusson, Ontario
- Autumn Archer, Ontario
- Ayden Scheim, Ontario
- Beau McKellar, Alberta
- Beth Holloway, Ontario
- Brad Wiebe, Ontario
- Braelynne, British Columbia
- Brandy Cook, Manitoba
- Braxton Kirgan, Florida, USA
- Brian Anderson, British Columbia
- Brian Gunderson, Ontario
- Brydon Eastman, Ontario
- Cameron Dilworth, British Columbia
- Cameron Graham, Alberta
- Carmen Cheung, Ontario
- Carmen Lee, Ontario
- Carragh Erhardt, Ontario
- Carter Antonie, Ontario
- Cassandra Parsons, British Columbia
- Cat Squires, New BrunswickW∂last∂kwiyik (Maliseet)
- Cathy Chabot, British Columbia
- Cathy Paton, Ontario
- Cathy Paton, Ontario
- Celine Poitras, New Brunswick
- Chantal Vallis, Ontario
- Charlie Jacobs, Manitoba
- Chris Baran, Ontario
- Chris Fischer, Ontario
- Chris Fluit, British Columbia
- Christopher Canning, Ontario
- Christopher Karas, Ontario
- Christopher Tate, Ontario
- CJ Blake, Ontario
- Clare Bermingham, Ontario
- Cody Callon, British Columbia
- Connor Bennett, Ontario
- Connor Rodriguez, Saskatchewan
- Courtney Bilton, Ontario
- Courtney Pest, Ontario
- Cynthia Fenwick, Ontario
- Dagmar Schroeder, Ontario
- Dakota Ward, Alberta
- Daksha Jadhav, British Columbia
- Dan Cantiller, Ontario
- Daniel Aguilar Hidalgo, British Columbia
- David Thomas Dalman, Manitoba
- Davy Sabourin, Quebec
- Dawn McKay, Ontario
- Dean Wilson, British Columbia
- Deb Stanbury, Ontario
- Debbie, Ontario
- Derek Eidick, Alberta
- Derek Murr, Ontario
- Devin Connor, Alberta
- Devon Haag, British Columbia
- Devon MacFarlane, LGBT2SQ Health Equity Consultant, Ontario
- Diana Smith, Alberta
- Diane O’Neill, British Columbia
- Dianna Gunn, Ontario
- Dianne Cameron, Alberta
- Dirk Steinke, Ontario
- Dominique Bowden, British Columbia
- Don Locke, Ontario
- Douglas Fillmore, New Brunswick
- Dr. Geoff Bardwell, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia, British Columbia
- Dr. Mary Ann Saunders, British Columbia
- Dr. Sacha Geer, Ontario
- Duncan Robertson, Québec
- E McMorrow, Ontario
- Elise Graham, Alberta
- Elizabeth Beeforth, Ontario
- Elizabeth Holliday, Ontario
- Elizabeth Malcolm, Ontario
- Elizabeth McDonnell, Ontario
- Elizabeth Yue, British Columbia
- Elliot Rae Cormier, Alberta
- Elliott Tomlinson, Ontario
- Elly Ayling, Ontario
- Emily Anderson, British Columbia
- Emma Kuntz, British Columbia/unceded Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh Territory
- Erica Lyra Flowers, Ontario
- Erika Forbes, Manitoba
- Estelle Cook, Manitoba
- Evan Schilling, Ontario
- Finn Lucullan, Alberta
- Fiona Jackson, Ontario
- Gabrielle Bird, Saskatchewan
- Gail Nantais, Ontario
- Gale Martel, Ontario
- Garry Dart, Nova Scotia
- Gary Cousins, Ontario
- Gillian Fenwick, Ontario
- Gina Willis, British Columbia
- Gloria Rizzuti, Ontario
- Goy Sengmany, Manitoba
- Grace Ma, British Columbia
- Greyson Mannella, Alberta
- Guerino Angelucci, Ontario
- Gwen Ament, Ontario
- Haley Mawby, Ontario
- Hamid Siddiqui, Ontario
- Hanna Jarrett, British Columbia
- Heather Bigelow, Ontario
- Heather Firemoon, Saskatchewan
- Hina Imam, British Columbia
- Hollis Gehrett, Oregon, US
- Hudson Reddon, British Columbia
- Ian Swain, Ontario
- Inga Haedicke, Ontario
- Inkyoung Lee, Ontario
- Isa Grant, Prince Edward Island
- Isaac Standen, Utah, USA
- J Meredith, Ontario
- Jackie Lealess, Ontario
- Jaclynn Aylen, Ontario
- Jacqueline Lee, Ontario
- Jacqui Foxall, Ontario
- Jade Boyd, British Columbia
- James Young, British Columbia
- Jamie MacLean, Prince Edward Island
- Jane Kennedy, Ontario
- Janet DeWolfe, Ontario
- Janet MacIsaac, Ontario
- Janyn Zoccoli, British Columbia
- Jared Cassady, Illinois, USA
- Jason MacLean, Ontario
- Jason Spence, Ontario
- Jean-Guy Dales, Ontario
- Jeannie Shoveller, Nova Scotia
- Jeffrey Morgan, British Columbia
- Jenna Ruttle, Ontario
- Jennifer Angelucci, British Columbia
- Jennifer Cook, Manitoba
- Jennifer Gibson, Ontario
- Jennifer Palmer, Ontario
- Jess Huston, Ontario
- Jesse Tailor, Ontario
- Jessica Boyer Henrion, Saskatchewan
- Jessica Scalzo, Alberta
- Jillian Ives, Ontario
- Joanne Findon, Ontario
- Jodi Gray, British Columbia
- Joe Verde, British Columbia
- Joel Dearden, Ontario
- John Arnou, Ontario
- John Bell, Ontario
- John Kimmel, Prince Edward Island
- Jonah Hamilton, British Columbia
- Jordan Ruttle, Ontario
- Joshua Kennington, Ontario
- Joyce Erogun, Ontario
- Julia Doucette, Ontario
- Julia hamer, Ontario
- Julie Sagram, British Columbia
- Justin Taylor, Prince Edward Island
- Justine Barone, Ontario
- Kalleigh Heffernan, Ontario
- Karen Luyendyk, Ontario
- Karli Steen, Ontario
- Kate Rybczynski, Ontario
- Katherine McCloskey, Ontario
- Kathleen Lucas, Ontario
- Katie Findlay, British Columbia
- Katrina Blommaert, British Columbia
- Kayla MacNaughton, Ontario
- Keith Mailloux, Ontario
- Kelly Holmes, Ontario
- Kelly Pickerill, British Columbia
- Kelly Slover, Ontario
- Kelsey Harpur, Ontario
- Kevin White, Ontario
- Kit Kolbegger, Ontario
- Kohenet Talia Johnson, Ontario
- Kristopher Wells, Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair for the Public Understanding of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, Faculty of Health and Community Studies, MacEwan University, Alberta
- Lana Hiscock, Ontario
- Landon Getz, Nova Scotia
- Lara McConchie, New Brunswick
- Laura Budd, Saskatchewan/ treaty 4 territory
- Laura Crossley, British Columbia
- Lauren Miles, Ontario
- Laurie Richard, New Brunswick
- Layla M., Ontario
- Lea Gareau, Ontario
- Leah Laushway, Ontario
- Leanne Zubowski, Ontario
- Lee Pepper, Ontario
- Liane MacGregor, Ontario
- Lianping Ti, British Columbia
- Lillian Valentine, Alberta
- Lindsay Brink, New Brunswick
- Lindsay Harms, Manitoba
- Lindsay Stevenson, Ontario
- Lisa Durnford, Ontario
- Lisa Munro, Ontario
- Logan Osborne, New York
- Louise Desserre, Alberta
- Loulou Chayama, British Columbia
- Lucy Snider, British Columbia
- Lukas Maitland, Manitoba
- Luke Fox, Ontario
- Lynn Currie, British Columbia
- Lyra Evans, OCDSB Trustee for Zone 9, Ontario
- Macaulay Mauro, Ontario
- Mackenzie Martinson, Ontario
- Madison Thulien, British Columbia
- Maggie Hamel-Smith Grassby, British Columbia
- Manuel Arab, Ontario
- Marianne Emig Carr, Ontario
- Marie Nutter, Ontario
- Marie-Claude Matte, Québec
- Marisha Houck, Alberta
- Mark Hartburg, Ontario
- Marnie, Ontario
- Martha Savage, Ontario
- Martin Bilan, British Columbia
- Martin Copeland, Ontario
- Marty Molengraaf, Ontario
- Matt Ashcroft, Ontario
- Matthew Hunter, Ontario
- Matthew Ing, Ontario
- Matthew L. Brown, British Columbia
- Max Redmond, Ontario
- Meagan Black, British Columbia
- Meghan Francis, Ontario
- Meghan Walker, Alberta
- Mei-ling Wiedmeyer, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, BC/unceded Musqueam territories
- Melanie Nicol, Saskatchewan
- Melissa Braschel, British Columbia
- Melissa, Ontario
- Mell Hanley, Nova Scotia
- Mer Weinhold, Quebec
- Michael Crews, Nova Scotia
- Michael Dossey, Ontario
- Michal Melamed, Ontario
- Michee-Ana Hamilton, British Columbia
- Michelle Fleming, Ontario
- Michelle Olding, British Columbia
- Michelle Pest, Ontario
- Michelle Werner, Alberta
- Mike Smith, Ontario
- Miranda Schreiber, Ontario
- Monique Gallant, New Brunswick
- Morgan Vejdani, Alberta
- Nalin Dhillon, British Columbia
- Natasha Parent, British Columbia
- Nathaniel Benfey, Québec
- Ned MacInnis, Nova Scotia
- Nicholas Sokoloff, Manitoba
- Nick Eburne, Quebec
- Nicola Hibbard, Nova Scotia
- Nicolas Lemieux, Quebec
- Nicolas Perez-Lozana Alonso, British Columbia
- Noah Adams, Ontario
- Olivia Dunne, Ontario
- Olivia Monnier, Fort Wayne, Indiana
- Ontario Tech Pride Club, Ontario
- Paige Doherty, Ontario
- Pat Mayberry, Ontario
- Patrick Guilbault, Hamilton, Ontario
- Paul E. Guillet, Saskatchewan
- Peggy Lee, British Columbia
- Penny, British Columbia
- Peter Fox, Ontario
- PhebeAnn Wolframe-Smith, Ontario
- Philipp Trenn, Germany
- Pippa Rogak, British Columbia
- Quinten Hackwood, Ontario
- Rachal Pattison, Alberta
- Rachel Eaton, British Columbia
- Raji Mangat, British Columbia
- Raylee Lane, British Columbia
- Rebecca Barnes, British Columbia
- Rebecca Friesen, Alberta
- Rebecca Jess, Ontario
- Rebecca Kelly, Ontario
- Rebecca Smith, Ontario
- Reem Toubache, Ontario
- Renee Mathieson, Manitoba
- Rev. Dr. Fred Shaffer, Ontario
- Richard Douglas, British Columbia
- Rivka Kushner, British Columbia
- Rob Cumming, Ontario
- Robyn Tkatch, British Columbia
- Rod Knight, British Columbia
- Rodney Stehr, British Columbia
- Ronee Capes, Ontario
- Russell Cook, Manitoba
- S Smith, Saskatchewan
- Sam Reisler, Ontario
- Samantha Cox, Ontario
- Samantha Leone, Ontario
- Samuel Shulman, British Columbia
- Sandra Parling, Ontario
- Sarah Brown, Ontario
- Sarah Dawson, Ontario
- Sarah De Leon, Canadian living in US
- Sarah Van Volkingburgh, Ontario
- Savannah Nast, Ontario
- Scott Beck, British Columbia
- Scott Brearley, British Columbia
- Selena Dawod, Ontario
- Seth Long, British Columbia
- Shannon Bushe, British Columbia
- Sharon Cote, Ontario
- Sharon Macdonell, Ontario
- Shauna Cake,
- Shawn Gorman Wetmore, New Brunswick
- Shelby Dewhirst, Alberta
- Sherry Sylvain, Ontario
- Shirley W, Ontario
- Siobhan Churchill, Ontario
- Spencer Steenburgh, Ontario
- Shone Thistle, Alberta
- Stefanie Machado, British Columbia
- Stefanie Pest, Ontario
- Steffen Jowett, Ontario
- Stephane Girouard, Ontario
- Stephanie Bacher, Quebec
- Stéphanie Black, British Columbia
- Stephanie Glegg, British Columbia
- Stephanie Lake, British Columbia
- Stephanie McKillop, Ontario
- Stephanie Woolley, Ontario
- Steve Kalaydjian, Ontario
- Steven Aston, Ontario
- Sue Ruttle, Ontario
- Sydney Le Tissier, Ontario
- Sylvia Parusel, British Columbia
- Talyn Dowdall, Ontario
- Tammy Copp, Ontario
- Tasha Hill, British Columbia
- Taylor Fleming, British Columbia
- Teena Park, Ontario
- Tenzin Butsang, Ontario
- Thea Nikolic, Ontario
- Thomas Hamp, Saskatchewan
- Tobias Bauer, Ontario
- Todd Hill, New Brunswick
- Tooba Chaudhry, Ontario
- Tori Stranges, Ontario
- Trevor Horne, Alberta
- Trish Emerson, British Columbia
- Trish Emerson, British Columbia
- Tyson Bragg, Ontario
- Ursula Ellis, British Columbia
- Vanessa Dmitruk, Ontario
- Vanessa Sandoval, Ontario
- Vania Lee, Ontario
- Varvara Jegouleva, Ontario
- Velvet Steele, British Columbia
- Venessa D., Ontario
- Vera Santillana, Ontario
- Vernon finney, Ontario
- Vicki Hartley Orange, Ontario
- Virginia Fox, Ontario
- Vivian Stone, Ontario
- Wayne Gochee, Alberta
- Wendy Paterson, Ontario
- William Heath, British Columbia
- Yogi Omar, British Columbia
- Zacheriah Loeb-Houston, Ontario
- Zoe Hassall, British Columbia
- Alan J Castonguay, Ontario
- Nata Belcham, British Columbia
- Candy Ng, British Columbia
- Lorenz, British Columbia
- Bonnie Arthur, British Columbia
- Trevor Harvey, British Columbia
- Alice Frances, British Columbia
- Jolina Palmer, Alberta
- Dr. Alex Boo, British Columbia
- Samuel Morris, British Columbia
- Matthew McLauchlin, MSW, social worker and psychotherapist, Québec
- Stephen Juwono, British Columbia
- Anne Caraan, British Columbia
- Erin Anderson, British Columbia
- Andrea Williams, Ontario
- Lindsay O’Breham, Alberta
- Henry Wu, British Columbia
- Jason Pinto, British Columbia
- Miguel Agustin, British Columbia
- Anne Caraan, British Columbia
- Brenda Scott Castro, British Columbia
- Kristin Jenner, British Columbia
- Nata Belcham, British Columbia
- Caitlin Robinson, British Columbia
- Jathusha Mahenthirarajan, Ontario
- Kelsey Beson, Ontario
- Maryam Pandi, Ontario
- Teena Park, Ontario
- LC Buckingham, Ontario
- Anne Wilson Arnprior, Ontario
- Anne Dagenais Guertin, Quebec
- Clara Greer-Armour, Ontario
- Emmet Greer-Allin, Ontario
- Dara Farr, Ontario
- Amrit Tiwana, British Columbia
- Geoffrey Gilmour-Taylor Toronto-Danforth, Ontario
- M-X Marin, Quebec
- Matthew L. Brown, British Columbia
- Suzie Hagan, Ontario
- Amber Brown, BC
- Selene Caister, Ontario
- Keisha Jones, New Brunswick
- Lee Cameron, Ontario
- Sam Richardson, Ontario
- Carol Witt Massachusetts, USA
- Marta Ellen MacDonald, Ontario
- Jessica Wright, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Department of Social Justice Education, Ontario
- Natasha Vitkin, Ontario
- Kimberly Lyons, British Columbia
- Aidan Ablona, British Columbia
- Shelley Mackay, Alberta
- Amy Cohen, British Columbia
- Shannon Paulitzki, Ontario
- Marlene MacDonald, Nova Scotia
- Mallory Maynard, Ontario
- Brian Graziano, Ontario
- Catharine Shannon, Ontario
- Marc Cohen, Ontario
- Lisa Jacobsen, British Columbia
- Laura Smith, Quebec
- Zoltan Helebrand, Hungary
- Amy, Quebec
- Sara Anvari, Québec
- David Gwilt, Ontario
- Rebecca Battersby, Ontario
- Elmira Tayyar, British Columbia
- Zoe Coates, British Columbia
- Seumas MacIsaac, Nova Scotia
- Footnotes
- Conversion therapy” is a misnomer. Those who experience conversion therapy are not “converted”, and there is nothing therapeutic about it. We use this term because it is the language used in Bill C-6; however, we acknowledge that in practice, conversion therapy goes by a number of different names, including (but not limited to): reparative therapy/practices, reorientation therapy/practices, psychological attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression change efforts (SOGIECE), and reintegrative therapy, etc. All of these practices share a common feature of starting from the assumption, that certain sexual orientations, gender identities, gender modalities, and gender expressions are mental illnesses or undesirable conditions.
- Hereafter, we use the term trans as meaning to include non-binary and other gender-diverse people.
- Appendix
Context: On March 9, 2020, Bill C-6 was introduced in the House of Commons. This bill constitutes a significant opportunity to curtail “conversion therapy”—a set of practices that threaten the health and well-being of 2SLGBTQ+ communities in Canada, including those who are trans, non-binary, Two-Spirit, queer, bisexual, lesbian, gay, or otherwise not a part of the cisgender and heterosexual majority. Extensive research and advocacy by conversion therapy survivors and 2SLGBTQ+ community organizations demonstrates the urgency of this issue and the importance of legislation that effectively targets all forms of conversion practices.3
Results from the 2019 Trans Pulse national study indicate that 11% of trans and non-binary people in Canada have experienced conversion therapy in an attempt to change their gender identity or expression. A staggering 8% of transgender and non-binary people in Canada under the age of 25 have experienced conversion therapy, demonstrating that conversion therapy is an ongoing practice in this country.4
Other studies—including the Sex Now national survey of gay and bisexual male-identified Canadians—suggest that between 4 and 8% of sexual minority men (including trans men) have experienced conversion therapy5. Data from the US provide comparable prevalence estimates for sexual minority women6. Current evidence suggests that trans communities are disproportionately impacted by conversion therapy in comparison to cisgender members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities.
This appendix outlines the following observations and concerns:
- Forms of conversion therapy that are included in the current text of Bill C-6;
- Ongoing trans conversion therapy practices that are not included in the current text of Bill C-6;
- Recommended amendments to Bill C-6 that will equitably affirm trans and gender-diverse identities and expressions, as well as LGBQ sexual orientations.
(a) Forms of conversion therapy that are included in the current text of Bill C-6
In its current form, Bill C-6 defines conversion therapy as:
“… a practice, treatment or service designed to change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual or gender identity to cisgender, or to repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour. For greater certainty, this definition does not include a practice, treatment or service that relates (a) to a person’s gender transition; or (b) to a person’s exploration of their identity or to its development.”
The first clause of this definition is unlikely to apply to the most common forms of conversion therapy operating in Canada today. This is because many conversion therapy practitioners deny that their services aim to “change” a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation. Instead they frame their services as helping with behavioural modifications (e.g., encouraging a particular form of gender expression or discouraging “self-perceptions” of gender identity).
The second clause overcomes this limitation by defining conversion therapy as including services that “repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour.” This more aptly describes the form of conversion practices to which the majority of recently-outspoken Canadian conversion therapy survivors have been exposed8. This clause notably excludes any reference to conversion therapy targeting gender identity or gender expression, including some forms of conversion therapy that are branded as ‘transition treatment’, and specifically the types of practices that were being conducted at the CAMH Child Youth and Family Gender Identity Clinic, before it was closed in 2015.9
(b) Ongoing trans conversion therapy practices that are not included in the current text of Bill C-6
Legal scholar Florence Ashley notes that a more inclusive and accurate definition of conversion therapy accounts for the following basic premise of all forms of conversion therapy: “[these treatments, practices, and sustained efforts…] proceed from the assumption, other than the patient’s, that certain sexual orientations, gender identities, gender modalities, and gender expressions are [disordered, pathological, less desirable than others, or otherwise modifiable]”. Accounting for this fundamental aspect of conversion therapy practices opens questions about forms (i.e., other than “counselling”) and targets (i.e., other than sexual attraction/behaviours, and inclusive of gender identity and gender expression) that are missing from the current iteration of Bill C-6.
More specifically, trans and gender-diverse individuals continue to experience treatments, practices, and efforts that impede the adoption of gender identities not assigned at birth, as well as non-conforming expressions. Very often these treatments, practices, and efforts occur in healthcare offices, where providers use a variety of approaches to discourage or delay “gender non-conforming behaviour.”10 These approaches have been previously described as the “corrective approach”—wherein “correction” alludes to the same basic premise that “conversion” alludes to, i.e., systematically favouring one gender identity or expression (or sexual orientation) over another.
This was, in fact, the kind of practice Erika Muse described in her testimony to the Ontario Legislative Assembly in 2015, leading that province to ban these practices, and in her story.11 When these experiences were made public in turn deterred other trans people from seeking gender-affirming care, because of concerns that they would be put through the same practices.12
Conversion therapy practices that resist the affirmation of trans and other gender-diverse identities additionally prevent trans people from accessing gender-affirming (and often life-saving13) healthcare services.14 Unfortunately, none of the provincial or federal bills introduced in the subsequent 5 years (including Bill C-6) have accounted for these forms of conversion therapy (or conversion therapy-equivalent practices) that target gender identity or expression.
(c) Recommended amendments to Bill C-6 that will equitably affirm trans and gender-diverse identities and expressions, as well as LGBQ sexual orientations
Given this significant gap in the current text of Bill C-6, we propose the following amendments, to ensure that the bill will equitably affirm trans and gender-diverse identities and expressions.
3 Canadian conversion therapy survivors call for actions: Report & Conversion Therapy & SOGIECE 4 QuickStat #1 – Conversion Therapy 5 Prevalence of Exposure to Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Associated Sociodemographic Characteristics and Psychosocial Health Outcomes Among Canadian Sexual Minority Men & Sex Now Survey results reveal prevalence of change efforts 6 Conversion Therapy and LGBT Youth 7 ‘Modern’ conversion therapy: What is it, and how hard will it be to ban? 8 ‘It’s causing me to not want to live’: LGBTQ2 community members recount time with Journey Canada programs & ‘Like a double agent’: A Saint Johner’s fight against conversion therapy 9 CAMH to ‘wind down’ gender identity clinic after review of services 10 Homophobia, conversion therapy, and care models for trans youth: defending the gender- affirmative approach 11 Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Standing Committee on Justice Policy, supra note 40 at JP-63. 12 Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 sur l’affirmation de l’orientation sexuelle et de l’identité sexuelle 13 Intervenable factors associated with suicide risk in transgender persons: a respondent driven sampling study in Ontario, Canada 14 Factors Impacting Transgender Patients’ Discomfort with Their Family Physicians: A Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey
- Resources
- Canadian conversion therapy survivors call for actions: Report
- Conversion Therapy & SOGIECE
- QuickStat #1 – Conversion Therapy
- Prevalence of Exposure to Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Associated Sociodemographic Characteristics and Psychosocial Health Outcomes Among Canadian Sexual Minority Men
- Sex Now Survey results reveal prevalence of change efforts
- Conversion Therapy and LGBT Youth
- ‘Modern’ conversion therapy: What is it, and how hard will it be to ban?
- ‘It’s causing me to not want to live’: LGBTQ2 community members recount time with Journey Canada programs
- ‘Like a double agent’: A Saint Johner’s fight against conversion therapy
- CAMH to ‘wind down’ gender identity clinic after review of services
- Homophobia, conversion therapy, and care models for trans youth: defending the gender- affirmative approach
- Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 sur l’affirmation de l’orientation sexuelle et de l’identité sexuelle
- Intervenable factors associated with suicide risk in transgender persons: a respondent driven sampling study in Ontario, Canada
- Factors Impacting Transgender Patients’ Discomfort with Their Family Physicians: A Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey